Tree Restoration

Tree Restoration: As a result of impacts imposed on trees in developed areas by the ever increasing human population, many trees are in decline and lacking in vigor.

Before attempting restoration work on these trees, it is critical to identify the cause or causes of the problem. In many cases, if the decline is caused by natural events it cannot be remedied, but decline caused by human activity often can be. This depends on severity of impact and length of time since the action occurred which caused the decline. Whenever possible we need to remove the cause, so as to eliminate or minimize ongoing decline.

Decline in a tree is a symptom of a problem; merely treating the symptom is not effective unless the cause of the decline is also remedied. For example, if a tree or a group of trees have an excessive amount of deadwood in the crowns, the deadwood can be pruned out. However, if the deadwood is a result of soil compaction which is impeding root function, branches in the crown will continue to die. To prevent this, we would need to alleviate the soil compaction problem, as well as pruning out the deadwood.

Restoration may be appropriate in cases where a tree has been damaged by poor pruning practices such as "topping", or other drastic and inappropriate actions frequently referred to as "pruning".

A Tree Inspection would normally be conducted before Tree Restoration takes place. This inspection should identify the problems which can be addressed by restoration, and it should also identify any other, structural problems in the tree, which may make any restoration work inadvisable.

The business office is located in Northwestern Washington, near Seattle and can be reached by email at

Or by phone at (360) 452-8733

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